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首先,了解老虎机的基本运作机制是非常重要的。通常,老虎机都会有不同的设定,这些设定直接影响到每次旋转的结果和最终的赔率。玩家可以借助一些工具来帮助自己分析不同老虎机的设定。例如,某些专门的スロット 解析 アプリ 可以提供详细的数据分析,帮助玩家判断某台机器是否值得继续投注。






最后,合理的投注策略也是提高胜率的关键。在玩老虎机的过程中,许多玩家会选择适当的赌注来匹配预期的回报。建议玩家制定预算,并在预算范围内进行合理投注。这不仅可以降低风险,也能让玩家在享受游戏的同时,最大化自己的收益。通过对スロット 言葉 及相关策略的学习,玩家可以不断提高自己在老虎机游戏中的胜出概率。






除了通常的游戏术语外,现代技术的发展也催生了与老虎机相关的新词汇,比如“スロット 解析 アプリ”(老虎机解析应用)。这些应用程序能够帮助玩家分析游戏数据、了解游戏规律,从而做出更优的策略选择。通过运用这些先进工具,玩家不仅能够提升自己的胜率,也能在社群中展现自己的专业性。特别是在日本这样一个高度数字化的社会,越来越多的玩家开始依赖这些应用,提高了词汇的丰富性及其使用频率。




总的来说,老虎机词汇的丰富性不仅仅反映了游戏本身的复杂性,也体现了日本独特的彩票文化。对这些词汇进行深入的研究和分析,能够为我们理解玩家行为、游戏动态以及文化交融提供新视角。随着游戏产业的不断发展,未来将会有更多的词汇产生,而这些新词汇将会持续丰富我们对老虎机游戏的理解与热情,推动文化的进一步交流与发展。为了更加深入地了解这一领域,推荐访问123スロット 解析 アプリ












近年来,日本的博彩产业经历了显著的变化,特别是在スロット 規制 6 号機的实施过程中。这项新规的推出,不仅是为了加强对老虎机的监管,也是为了促进健康的博彩环境。根据新规定,6号机的赔率和运行方式都进行了严格的限制,从而有效地减少了玩家的风险并防止赌博成瘾现象的加剧。同时,这项政策也促使相关企业对产品进行改进,以适应新规的要求。日本政府希望通过这些改革措施,能够在控制博彩市场的同时,依然保持一定的经济收益。


スロット 規制 6 号機政策的实施,将直接影响到日本的博彩市场,尤其是老虎机的经营者和玩家。对于经营者而言,新规可能会导致运营成本的增加,因为他们需要对现有设备进行升级与改进,以满足新的技术要求。同时,市场竞争也将变得更加激烈,只有适应新规的企业才能在市场中生存和发展。对于玩家来说,新规的推出意味着在玩老虎机时需要更加注意自己的预算与消费,更加理性地对待赌博行为,以防止因过度消费而导致的经济负担。


这项新规还将影响到日本的社会文化。长期以来,赌博在日本社会中一直存在争议,而スロット 規制 6 号機的推出,意味着政府希望通过规范化的方式来引导公众对博彩的认知。新规的实施,可以看作是对传统博彩文化的现代化转型,让更多的人了解到负责任博彩的重要性。同时,相关范围的社会宣传也在逐渐展开,旨在提升公众的法律意识与道德标准,从而实现更为健康的社会博彩环境。


展望未来,スロット 規制 6 号機的实施将带来诸多潜在的变化。在短期内,博彩行业可能会面临调整与过渡期,部分经营者可能因难以适应新规而退出市场。然而,从长远来看,成功落实新的监管措施,将有助于提升博彩行业的整体形象,吸引更为广泛的消费者群体。此外,政府也可能会推出更多的配套政策,进一步推动旅游和相关产业的发展,使日本的博彩市场在法律的框架下健康有序地发展。


总体而言,スロット 規制 6 号機的实施是日本博彩产业迈向规范化与可持续发展的重要一步。这项政策不仅在技术层面加强了对老虎机的监管,更在文化层面促进了社会对博彩的认知转变。随着社会公众对负责任博彩日益重视,日本的博彩市场未来或将迎来新的机遇与挑战。各方的共同努力,将是实现这一目标的重要保障,期待日本的博彩行业在新规的指引下,走向更加光明的未来。


近年来,日本的老虎机行业面临着越来越严格的监管。尤其是在针对スロット 規制 6 号機的发布之后,业界的反应可谓强烈。该政策的出台旨在进一步规范市场,防止赌博成瘾现象的蔓延,同时也期望通过提高游戏的安全性来维护玩家的利益。新规的制订者们表示,随着娱乐产业的飞速发展,特别是数字化和在线赌博的兴起,传统的监管方式显得越来越不够用。因此,针对6号机的具体条款和实施细则将成为行业的新风向标。


对于スロット 規制 6 号機的出台,业界内外都进行了一番热烈的讨论。许多老虎机运营商和开发商表示,虽然理解政府加强监管的初衷,但认为新的规定可能会对他们的业务模式产生一定的冲击。一些小型企业甚至表示,极有可能因此面临倒闭风险。此外,游戏机制造商也对新规表示担忧,认为研发成本将大幅上升,进而影响其市场竞争力。然而,也有一些行业专家指出加强监管的必要性,强调清晰的游戏规则和安全标准能够在长远中促进行业的健康发展。


新规的出台不仅影响到行业的从业者,也引发了玩家的广泛关注。针对スロット 規制 6 号機,许多玩家在社交媒体上表达了他们的看法。有些玩家对此表示支持,认为严格的监管有助于防止过度赌博,保护玩家的合法权益。然而,也有玩家担心这可能导致游戏乐趣的下降,认为过于严格的限制可能使得一些特色玩法被迫删减。总体而言,玩家对于新规的态度复杂而多元,期待在保护自身权益的同时,仍能享受到丰富多样的游戏体验。


随着スロット 規制 6 号機的实施,未来的老虎机行业将面临许多新的挑战。一方面,如何在符合新规的基础上继续吸引玩家,提升游戏的趣味性和参与感,将是运营商需要重点考虑的问题;另一方面,技术的不断革新也为实现游戏与监管的有效结合提出了新的要求。此外,行业内部需要加强协作,探索更为合理的遵规方式,以期达到监管与发展之间的平衡。一些专家建议,行业内部可以积极借鉴国际经验,例如学习其他国家如何成功实施类似的监管政策,进而推动日本老虎机市场的健康可持续发展。


总之,スロット 規制 6 号機的出台具有深远的意义,促使日本的老虎机行业进入新的发展阶段。在这个过程中,各方的声音都不容忽视,行业应主动寻求与政府的沟通,明确各方利益和务实的合作方式。同时,也希望能够平衡玩家的需求与行业的健康发展,进而为未来的老虎机市场创造一个良好的生态环境。这一新规必然在短期内引发诸多变动,但从长远来看,其实是推动行业发展的良好契机。

Great Britain have reached UK Sport's target of between 45 and 70 medals at Tokyo 2020 after racking up number 65 on day 16.

Here's a reminder of those who have taken to the podium so far in Tokyo...

  • Updated Medals Table
  • Tokyo Olympics: SCHEDULE | RESULTS

Team GB's Year of the Female Olympian

With more female than male athletes for the first time, Tokyo will see 201 women selected with some remarkable tales to tell


Adam Peaty - men's 100m breaststroke

Adam Peaty became the first British swimmer to defend an Olympic title when he retained his 100m breaststroke crown. He remarkably accounts for the 16 quickest times over the distance in history.

Olympic champion Adam Peaty admits the delay to the Games was difficult to take, but his perseverance has paid off

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Olympic champion Adam Peaty admits the delay to the Games was difficult to take, but his perseverance has paid off
Olympic champion Adam Peaty admits the delay to the Games was difficult to take, but his perseverance has paid off

Tom Daley & Matty Lee - men's synchronised 10m platform

In one of the great GB stories of Tokyo 2020, Tom Daley and Matty Lee clinched gold in the synchronised 10m platform with a score of 471.81. While Lee was making his Olympic debut alongside his childhood idol, Daley continued a magical story 13 years on from his first Games.

Matty Lee says his diving partner Tom Daley is one of his 'best friends' after the pair won gold in the men's synchronised 10m platform event at Tokyo 2020

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Matty Lee says his diving partner Tom Daley is one of his 'best friends' after the pair won gold in the men's synchronised 10m platform event at Tokyo 2020
Matty Lee says his diving partner Tom Daley is one of his 'best friends' after the pair won gold in the men's synchronised 10m platform event at Tokyo 2020

Tom Dean - men's 200m freestyle

Six months on from contracting coronavirus for a second time, Tom Dean prompted wild celebrations at a family watch party back in Maidenhead at roughly 3am as he edged out close friend Duncan Scott to secure gold in the men's 200m freestyle.

Watch what happened when Tom Dean's family and friends gathered in his mum's garden to cheer him on to victory in the 200m freestyle at the Tokyo Olympics!

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Watch what happened when Tom Dean's family and friends gathered in his mum's garden to cheer him on to victory in the 200m freestyle at the Tokyo Olympics!
Watch what happened when Tom Dean's family and friends gathered in his mum's garden to cheer him on to victory in the 200m freestyle at the Tokyo Olympics!

Tom Pidcock - men's cross-country mountain biking

Not long since fracturing his collarbone after being hit by a car, Yorkshireman Tom Pidcock became the youngest mountain bike champion in Olympic history as he claimed gold on day three.

After winning Team GB's third gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics in the men's cross-country mountain biking, 21-year-old cyclist Tom Pidcock admitted his achievement was taking time to hit home

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After winning Team GB's third gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics in the men's cross-country mountain biking, 21-year-old cyclist Tom Pidcock admitted his achievement was taking time to hit home
After winning Team GB's third gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics in the men's cross-country mountain biking, 21-year-old cyclist Tom Pidcock admitted his achievement was taking time to hit home

Tom Dean, Duncan Scott, Matt Richards, James Guy - Men's 4x200m freestyle relay

Britain stormed to success in the pool and fell just 0.03secs short of a world record with Dean claiming a second gold of the Games - the first British male swimmer to do so since 1908.

Tom Dean, James Guy, Matthew Richards, Duncan Scott pose after winning the 4x200m freestyle relay final at the 2020 OlympicsTom Dean, James Guy, Matthew Richards, Duncan Scott pose after winning the 4x200m freestyle relay final at the 2020 Olympics
Tom Dean, James Guy, Matthew Richards, Duncan Scott pose after winning the 4x200m freestyle relay final at the 2020 Olympics

Beth Shriever - women's BMX

Moments after watching GB team-mate Kye Whyte clinch silver in the men's event, Beth Shriever went one better by leading from the first bend and holding off reigning champion Mariana Pajon to win gold.

Bethany Shriever hopes her BMX Olympic gold medal will help to inspire the next generation to take up the sport

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Bethany Shriever hopes her BMX Olympic gold medal will help to inspire the next generation to take up the sport
Bethany Shriever hopes her BMX Olympic gold medal will help to inspire the next generation to take up the sport

Charlotte Worthington - women's BMX park freestyle

A score of 97.5 saw Charlotte Worthington beat out three-time world champion Hannah Roberts to seal the gold in the first ever Olympic women's BMX freestyle competition, landing a 360 backflip to confirm her place on top of the podium.

Charlotte Worthington flips in mid-air during the BMX freestyle competitionCharlotte Worthington flips in mid-air during the BMX freestyle competition
Charlotte Worthington flips in mid-air during the BMX freestyle competition

Kathleen Dawson, Adam Peaty, James Guy, Anna Hopkin - mixed 4x100m medley relay

Another swimming event, another gold for Team GB. Their eighth of the Games came courtesy of Kathleen Dawson, Adam Peaty, James Guy and Anna Hopkin with a new world record time of three minutes, 37.58 seconds to win the mixed 4x100m medley relay.

James Guy, Adam Peaty, Anna Hopkin and Kathleen Dawson pose with their gold medalsJames Guy, Adam Peaty, Anna Hopkin and Kathleen Dawson pose with their gold medals
James Guy, Adam Peaty, Anna Hopkin and Kathleen Dawson pose with their gold medals

Jess Learmonth, Jonny Brownlee, Georgia Taylor-Brown, Alex Yee - mixed triathlon relay

At long last Jonny Brownlee ticked off his first Olympic gold as he teamed up with Jess Learnmonth, Georgia Taylor-Brown and Alex Yee to win the first ever mixed triathlon relay.

Jonny Brownlee earned a gold medal at his last Olympic GamesJonny Brownlee earned a gold medal at his last Olympic Games
Jonny Brownlee earned a gold medal at his last Olympic Games

Max Whitlock - pommel horse

In defending his Rio 2016 crown in the pommel horse, Max Whitlock collected his sixth medal over three Games to cement his name among Great Britain's most decorated Olympians.

He joins an exclusive club alongside Sir Bradley Wiggins, Sir Chris Hoy, Jason Kenny, Sir Steve Redgrave and Charlotte Dujardin as the sixth Brit to win at least six Olympic medals.

Max Whitlock retained his Olympic gold medal on the pommel horseMax Whitlock retained his Olympic gold medal on the pommel horse
Max Whitlock retained his Olympic gold medal on the pommel horse

Giles Scott - sailing, men's Finn

Giles Scott fended off Hungary's Zsombor Berecz in the men's Finn to retain the gold he won in Brazil five years ago.

Britain's Giles Scott celebrates after placing first in the men's Finn medal race Britain's Giles Scott celebrates after placing first in the men's Finn medal race
Britain's Giles Scott celebrates after placing first in the men's Finn medal race

Dylan Fletcher, Stuart Bithell - sailing, men's 49er class

World No.1-ranked pair Dylan Fletcher and Stuart Bithell earned Great Britain's first sailing medal in Tokyo by coming from down in second to beat out New Zealand's Peter Burling and Blair Tuke.

Dylan Fletcher and Stuart Bithell celebrate their winDylan Fletcher and Stuart Bithell celebrate their win
Dylan Fletcher and Stuart Bithell celebrate their win

Oliver Townend, Laura Collett, Tom McEwen - eventing team

Great Britain delivered their first victory in the team eventing tournament since 1972 when Oliver Townend, Laura Collett and Tom McEwen producing phenomenal rides to win Great Britain's 11th gold.

Great Britain's Laura CollettGreat Britain's Laura Collett
Great Britain's Laura Collett

Hannah Mills and Eilidh McIntyre - women's sailing 470 class

It was a consecutive 470 class gold medal for Hannah Mills, who had won the same title in Rio and became the most decorated British female sailor of all time at Enoshima Harbour.

Mills, and Olympic debutant Eilidh McIntyre, helped complete Britain's haul of three golds, one silver and one bronze across regatta events which saw GB top the sailing standings at Tokyo 2020.

Hannah Mills and Eilidh McIntyre of Great Britain jump into the water after winning the women's 470 gold medal at Enoshima HarbourHannah Mills and Eilidh McIntyre of Great Britain jump into the water after winning the women's 470 gold medal at Enoshima Harbour
Hannah Mills and Eilidh McIntyre of Great Britain jump into the water after winning the women's 470 gold medal at Enoshima Harbour

Ben Maher - individual showjumping

Ben Maher added a fifth equestrian medal for Team GB with a gold in the individual showjumping with the help of his brilliant horse Explosion W. The 28-year-old won by 17 hundredths of a second and delivered a memorable jump-off round.

Ben Maher secured his second gold Olympic medal following his win in the team showjumping at London 2012Ben Maher secured his second gold Olympic medal following his win in the team showjumping at London 2012
Ben Maher secured his second gold Olympic medal following his win in the team showjumping at London 2012

Matt Walls - men's omnium cycling

Gold in the men's omnium cycling went to 23-year-old Matt Walls after he won the four-discipline men's omnium event to win by a margin of 24 points ahead of New Zealand's Campbell Stewart.

Matt Walls would not be denied gold on day 13Matt Walls would not be denied gold on day 13
Matt Walls would not be denied gold on day 13

Laura Kenny, Katie Archibald - women's madison

Laura Kenny won her fifth gold medal while Katie Archibald became a two-time Olympic champion as the British pair delivered a masterclass by winning 10 out of 12 sprints to cruise to gold in the first ever women's madison.

Katie Archibald and Laura Kenny celebrate winning their gold medalKatie Archibald and Laura Kenny celebrate winning their gold medal
Katie Archibald and Laura Kenny celebrate winning their gold medal

Kate French - modern pentathlon

Kate French entered the final round fifth overall in the modern pentathlon, before producing a superhuman laser run performance to catapult her way to gold, five years on from placing fifth in Rio.

Kate French crossing the line and realising that an Olympic gold medal belongs to herKate French crossing the line and realising that an Olympic gold medal belongs to her
Kate French crossing the line and realising that an Olympic gold medal belongs to her

Galal Yafai - men's flyweight boxing

Galal Yafai floored Carlo Paalam in an explosive points victory to claim Team GB's first Olympic boxing gold medal of the Games in the flyweight final. He dropped Paalam in a dramatic opening round before completing the 4-1 split decision victory over his Filipino opponent.

Galal Yafai won Team GB's first boxing gold of the GamesGalal Yafai won Team GB's first boxing gold of the Games
Galal Yafai won Team GB's first boxing gold of the Games

Joe Choong - men's modern pentathlon

Joe Choong showed superb composure and strength to finish the final laser run ahead of Ahmed Elgendy and complete an exceptional series of events. Choong's gold came just 24 hours after French's emphatic triumph in the women's competition. It is Team GB's first men's individual modern pentathlon medal.

Joe Choong let his emotions out as he crossed the lineJoe Choong let his emotions out as he crossed the line
Joe Choong let his emotions out as he crossed the line

Jason Kenny - men's keirin

On the final day of action inside the Izu Velodrome, Jason Kenny successfully defended his men's keirin gold medal and became the first Briton to win seven Olympic gold medals. It also made Kenny the first Briton to win nine Olympic medals as he added this gold to the team sprint silver he won alongside Jack Carlin and Ryan Owens.

Great Britain's Jason Kenny celebrates with the gold medal in the men's keirin final to become the most decorated British Olympian of all timeGreat Britain's Jason Kenny celebrates with the gold medal in the men's keirin final to become the most decorated British Olympian of all time
Great Britain's Jason Kenny celebrates with the gold medal in the men's keirin final to become the most decorated British Olympian of all time

Lauren Price - women's middleweight boxing

Lauren Price comprehensively outboxed China's Li Qian at the Kokugikan Arena to win Team GB's second boxing gold medal at the Games. Price had been stretched to her limit against Nouchka Fontijn in the fight prior, but there was no such drama in the final and she claimed a claimed gold with an unanimous points win.


Alex Yee - men's triathlon

While all eyes had been on Jonny Brownlee, it was Alex Shee who shone through to underline his incredible potential with a silver medal in the triathlon while making his Olympic bow.

Alex Yee of Great Britain holds his silver medal (AP)Alex Yee of Great Britain holds his silver medal (AP)
Alex Yee of Great Britain holds his silver medal (AP)

Georgia Taylor-Brown - women's triathlon

Georgia Taylor-Brown managed to overcome a puncture before shining in the 10km run to earn a silver medal in the women's triathlon behind Flora Duffy, who became Bermuda's first-ever Olympic champion.

Georgia Taylor-Brown reveals she won silver for Team GB in the women's triathlon at the Olympics despite a flat tyre during the cycling section

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Georgia Taylor-Brown reveals she won silver for Team GB in the women's triathlon at the Olympics despite a flat tyre during the cycling section
Georgia Taylor-Brown reveals she won silver for Team GB in the women's triathlon at the Olympics despite a flat tyre during the cycling section

Duncan Scott - men's 200m freestyle

It took a stunning display from GB teammate Tom Dean to hold Duncan Scott off as he finished 0.04 seconds behind in the men's 200m freestyle to ensure a British one-two finish, marking the first time two British male swimmers have shared an Olympic podium since London 1908.

Team GB gold medallist Tom Dean and silver medallist Duncan Scott reflect on their one-two finish in the 200m freestyle

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Team GB gold medallist Tom Dean and silver medallist Duncan Scott reflect on their one-two finish in the 200m freestyle
Team GB gold medallist Tom Dean and silver medallist Duncan Scott reflect on their one-two finish in the 200m freestyle

Bradly Sinden - men's -68kg taekwondo

Bradly Sinden was forced to settle for silver in the men's -68kg taekwondo after relinquishing his two-point lead in the dying seconds of his final against Uzbekistan's Ulugbek Rashitov.

Britain's Bradly Sinden with his silver medalBritain's Bradly Sinden with his silver medal
Britain's Bradly Sinden with his silver medal

Lauren Williams - women's -67kg taekwondo

Following an injury-stricken year heading into the games, Lauren Williams excelled to reach the final of the women's -67kg only to cruelly miss out on gold after a late flurry from Croatian opponent Matea Jelic.

Team GB taekwondo silver medallist Lauren Williams says she hopes her performances can inspire the next generation of Olympic hopefuls

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Team GB taekwondo silver medallist Lauren Williams says she hopes her performances can inspire the next generation of Olympic hopefuls
Team GB taekwondo silver medallist Lauren Williams says she hopes her performances can inspire the next generation of Olympic hopefuls

Harry Leask, Angus Groom, Tom Barras, Jack Beaumont - men's quadruple sculls.

The quartet led Britain to their first medal of the Tokyo Games at the Sea Forest Waterway, maintaining their lead amid pressure from Australia and Poland, who had to settle for silver and bronze.

Great Britain's Harry Leask, Angus Groom, Tom Barras and Jack Beaumont celebrate winning silver in the men's quadruple ScullsGreat Britain's Harry Leask, Angus Groom, Tom Barras and Jack Beaumont celebrate winning silver in the men's quadruple Sculls
Great Britain's Harry Leask, Angus Groom, Tom Barras and Jack Beaumont celebrate winning silver in the men's quadruple Sculls

Mallory Franklin - women's C1 canoe slalom

Mallory Franklin's time of 108.68 was enough to seal silver in the women's C1 canoe slalom event as world No 1 Jessica Fox topped the podium.

Mallory Franklin won silver in the women's C1 canoe slalomMallory Franklin won silver in the women's C1 canoe slalom
Mallory Franklin won silver in the women's C1 canoe slalom

Kye Whyte - men's BMX

Kye Whyte put poor starts in qualifying behind him to win Great Britain's first BMX racing Olympic medal as he snapped up silver, finishing just 0.144 seconds behind winner Niek Kimmann.

Kye Whyte believes his BMX Olympic silver medal has helped raise the profile of the sport in Great Britain

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Kye Whyte believes his BMX Olympic silver medal has helped raise the profile of the sport in Great Britain
Kye Whyte believes his BMX Olympic silver medal has helped raise the profile of the sport in Great Britain

Duncan Scott - men's 200m individual medley

Medal machine Duncan Scott collected another for Great Britain by winning silver in the men's 200m individual medley with a personal best time to add to his silver in the 200m freestyle and gold in 4x200m freestyle relay.

Duncan Scott poses after winning the silver medal in the men's 200mindividual medleyDuncan Scott poses after winning the silver medal in the men's 200mindividual medley
Duncan Scott poses after winning the silver medal in the men's 200mindividual medley

Luke Greenbank, Adam Peaty, James Guy, Duncan Scott and James Wilby - men's 4x100m medley relay

The eighth swimming medal for Great Britain in Tokyo unsurprisingly came in the pool, Luke Greenbank, Adam Peaty, James Guy, Duncan Scott and James Wilby (who featured in the heats) finishing second behind the USA.

Luke Greenbank, Adam Peaty, James Guy and Scott took silver in the men's 4x100 metres medley relay finalLuke Greenbank, Adam Peaty, James Guy and Scott took silver in the men's 4x100 metres medley relay final
Luke Greenbank, Adam Peaty, James Guy and Scott took silver in the men's 4x100 metres medley relay final

Keely Hodgkinson - women's 800m

Not only did 19-year-old Keely Hodgkinson win a silver medal in the women's 800m final, but she also broke childhood idol Dame Kelly Holmes' long-standing British record with a time of 1.55.88.

Keely Hodgkinson reacts after her second-place finish in the final of the women's 800m (AP Photo/David Goldman)Keely Hodgkinson reacts after her second-place finish in the final of the women's 800m (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Keely Hodgkinson reacts after her second-place finish in the final of the women's 800m (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Pat McCormack - men's boxing

There was no gold for Pat McCormack as he was beaten by the experienced Roniel Iglesias in the men's welterweight final, but his silver did ensure that Great Britain would leave Tokyo with at least six boxing medals, marking their biggest haul since 1920.

Roniel Iglesias is named winner against Pat McCormackRoniel Iglesias is named winner against Pat McCormack
Roniel Iglesias is named winner against Pat McCormack

Jason Kenny, Jack Carlin, Ryan Owens - cycling, men's team sprint

An impressive performance from the Netherlands to set a new Olympic record left the Great British trio of Jason Kenny, Jack Carlin and Ryan Owens to take the silver in the men's team sprint.

Jason Kenny added another medal to his growing collection Jason Kenny added another medal to his growing collection
Jason Kenny added another medal to his growing collection

And while it wasn't gold, another medal did draw Kenny level with Sir Bradley Wiggins on eight as Great Britain's most decorated Olympian.

Katie Archibald, Laura Kenny, Jessie Knight, Neah Evan - cycling, women's team pursuit

There was also a silver medal for the women's team pursuit quartet of Katie Archibald, Laura Kenny, Jessie Knight and Neah Evan after they came off second best to a superb Germany outfit, which set a new world record in the final.

Great Britain's Katie Archibald, Laura Kenny, Neah Evans, Josie Knight and Elinor Barker with their silver medals for the women's team pursuitGreat Britain's Katie Archibald, Laura Kenny, Neah Evans, Josie Knight and Elinor Barker with their silver medals for the women's team pursuit
Great Britain's Katie Archibald, Laura Kenny, Neah Evans, Josie Knight and Elinor Barker with their silver medals for the women's team pursuit

John Gimson, Anna Burnet - sailing, nacra 17 multi-hull class

Silver in the mixed Nacra 17 class went to John Grimson and Anna Burnet as they followed Italy's Ruggero Tita and Caterina Banti.

John Gimson and Anna Burnet won silver in the#160;mixed Nacra 17.John Gimson and Anna Burnet won silver in the#160;mixed Nacra 17.
John Gimson and Anna Burnet won silver in the mixed Nacra 17.

Emily Campbell - women's +87kg weightlifting

Great Britain's first women's Olympic weightlifting medal came via Emily Campell, whose lifts of 156kg and 161kg in the +87kg category earned her second place behind China's Li Wenwen.

Team GB's silver medal-winning weightlifter, Emily Campbell says she hopes she has inspired young girls and boys to try the sport

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Team GB's silver medal-winning weightlifter, Emily Campbell says she hopes she has inspired young girls and boys to try the sport
Team GB's silver medal-winning weightlifter, Emily Campbell says she hopes she has inspired young girls and boys to try the sport

Tom McEwen - individual eventing

Tom McEwen followed up the team gold won by Britain earlier in the day on Monday to take home silver in the individual eventing. Teammate Oliver Townend meanwhile finished in fifth, while Laura Collett was down in ninth.

Tom McEwen with silver medal won in the individual three-day event at Tokyo 2020Tom McEwen with silver medal won in the individual three-day event at Tokyo 2020
Tom McEwen with silver medal won in the individual three-day event at Tokyo 2020

Ben Whittaker - men's boxing

Ben Whittaker continued the boxing success for Team GB at the Kokugikan Arena with a silver in the men's light-heavyweight final after coming up just short against Cuba's Arlen Lopez.

Ben Whittaker lost to Cuba's Arlen Lopez in the men's light-heavyweight gold medal matchBen Whittaker lost to Cuba's Arlen Lopez in the men's light-heavyweight gold medal match
Ben Whittaker lost to Cuba's Arlen Lopez in the men's light-heavyweight gold medal match

Laura Muir - women's 1500m

Five years on from finishing seventh in Rio, Laura Muir battled her way to a deserved podium finish as she overtook Sifan Hassan on the final lap of the women's 1500m final to take silver with a new British record behind runaway gold medallist Faith Kipyegon of Kenya.

Laura MuirLaura Muir
Laura Muir

CJ Ujah, Zharnel Hughes, Richard Kilty, Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake - men's 4x100m relay

The quartet of CJ Ujah, Zharnel Hughes, Richard Kilty and Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake bolstered what had been looking like a modest GB track and field medal haul earlier in the week by sprinting to silver in the men's 4x100m relay. For a moment gold had looked in touching distance for Mitchell-Blake, only for Italy's Filippo Tortu to snatch the victory at the line with an outstanding anchor leg.

(Left to right) Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake, Eichard Kilty, CJ Ujah and Zharnel Hughes celebrate their silver medal (Left to right) Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake, Eichard Kilty, CJ Ujah and Zharnel Hughes celebrate their silver medal
(Left to right) Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake, Eichard Kilty, CJ Ujah and Zharnel Hughes celebrate their silver medal

Ethan Hayter and Matt Walls - men's madison

The British duo's success in the madison followed Katie Archibald and Laura Kenny winning gold in the women's madison event. It gives Walls his second medal of the Games after his omnium gold, and a first medal for his housemate Hayter, part of the team pursuit squad that finished seventh


Chelsie Giles - women's -52kg judo

Olympic debutante Chelsie Giles kicked things off with Great Britain's first medal as she sealed bronze in the women's -52kg judo event.

Great Britain's Chelsie Giles receives her bronze medal (AP)Great Britain's Chelsie Giles receives her bronze medal (AP)
Great Britain's Chelsie Giles receives her bronze medal (AP)

Bianca Walkden - women's taekwondo +67kg

There was heartbreak for Bianca Walkden as she missed out on a place in the final of the +67kg women's taekwondo in the last second of her semi against South Korea's Dabin Lee, who landed a decisive three-point head-kick to progress to the gold medal matchup. Walkden re-composed herself to return later in the day and fend off Poland's Aleksandra Kowalczuk for her second successive Olympic bronze.

Great Britain's Bianca Walkden celebrates after defeating Poland's Aleksandra Kowalczuk to claim a bronze medalGreat Britain's Bianca Walkden celebrates after defeating Poland's Aleksandra Kowalczuk to claim a bronze medal
Great Britain's Bianca Walkden celebrates after defeating Poland's Aleksandra Kowalczuk to claim a bronze medal

Alice Kinsella, Amelie Morgan and Jennifer and Jessica Gadirova - gymnastics women's team

As the focus was on the Russian Olympic Committee's battle for gold with a Simone Biles-less USA, the British quartet of Alice Kinsella, Amelia Morgan and 16-year-old twins Jennifer and Gadirova dislodged Italy in third place to win a famous bronze medal, Great Britain's first in the women's team event since 1928.

Carl Hester, Charlotte Fry and Charlotte Dujardin - team dressage

Charlotte Dujardin equalled Dame Katherine Grainger in becoming Britain's most decorated female Olympian of all time as she collected medal number five by winning bronze in the dressage alongside Carl Hester and Charlotte Fry.

Charlotte Dujardin - individual dressage

After success in the team event, Dujardin and her horse Gio teamed up to break up Germany's hopes of sweeping the podium - they took bronze and with it gave Dujardin a sixth Olympian medal to become Britain's most decorated female Olympian of all time.

Ben Ransom says Charlotte Dujardin had to strike up a partnership with a new horse to win her sixth Olympic medal and become Britain's most-decorated female Olympian

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Ben Ransom says Charlotte Dujardin had to strike up a partnership with a new horse to win her sixth Olympic medal and become Britain's most-decorated female Olympian
Ben Ransom says Charlotte Dujardin had to strike up a partnership with a new horse to win her sixth Olympic medal and become Britain's most-decorated female Olympian

Matthew Coward-Holley - men's trap shooting

World champion Matthew Coward-Holley was forced to settle for bronze after finishing on 33/40 as he lost out to the Czech pair of Jiri Liptak and David Kostelecky.

Great Britain's Matthew Coward-Holley on his way to the bronze medal in the trap shooting men's final at the Tokyo OlympicsGreat Britain's Matthew Coward-Holley on his way to the bronze medal in the trap shooting men's final at the Tokyo Olympics
Great Britain's Matthew Coward-Holley on his way to the bronze medal in the trap shooting men's final at the Tokyo Olympics

    Bryony Page - women's trampoline

    Bryony Page followed up her silver medal at Rio 2016 by winning bronze in the women's trampoline, producing a score of 55.735 to guarantee a medal before dropping into third following the final performances of Zhu Xueying and Liu Lingling.

    Page was among those to benefit from the delay of the Games having endured a gruelling recovery from surgery on a long-term ankle issue.

    Bryony Page won a bronze medal for Team GB, her second successive Olympic medalBryony Page won a bronze medal for Team GB, her second successive Olympic medal
    Bryony Page won a bronze medal for Team GB, her second successive Olympic medal

    Luke Greenbank - men's 200m backstroke

    The swimming dominance continued for Team GB thanks to Luke Greenbank, who took bronze in the men's 200m backstroke after qualifying second fastest to reach the final.

    Greenbank raises the Union Jack flag and collects the bronze medal following the men's 200m backstroke finalGreenbank raises the Union Jack flag and collects the bronze medal following the men's 200m backstroke final
    Greenbank raises the Union Jack flag and collects the bronze medal following the men's 200m backstroke final

    Josh Bugajski, Jacob Dawson, Tom George, Mohamed Sbihi, Charles Elwes, Oliver Wynne-Griffith, James Rudkin and Tom Ford - men's eight

    Team GB's second medal of the Olympics rowing regatta came courtesy of Josh Bugajski, Jacob Dawson, Tom George, Mohamed Sbihi, Charles Elwes, Oliver Wynne-Griffith, James Rudkin and Tom Ford in the men's eight as they secured bronze behind silver-medalists Germany and gold-medallists New Zealand.

    Team GB celebrate third in the men's eight Team GB celebrate third in the men's eight
    Team GB celebrate third in the men's eight

    Jack Laugher - men's 3m springboard

    Having won gold and silver at Rio 2016, Jack Laugher added bronze in the men's 3m springboard to his medal haul as he sat behind China's Xie Siyi and Wang Zongyuan at the Tokyo Aquatics Centre.

    Jack Laugher says overcoming his own personal difficulties to win a diving bronze medal means more than anything to him and is even better than winning gold at the Rio Games in 2016

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    Mno Sports

    Jack Laugher says overcoming his own personal difficulties to win a diving bronze medal means more than anything to him and is even better than winning gold at the Rio Games in 2016
    Jack Laugher says overcoming his own personal difficulties to win a diving bronze medal means more than anything to him and is even better than winning gold at the Rio Games in 2016

    Emma Wilson - windsurfing

    Emma Wilson started the double-point medal race in second place having won four of the 12 preliminary events, but was overtaken by France's Charline Picon and to leave her with bronze.

    Britain's Emma Wilson Britain's Emma Wilson
    Britain's Emma Wilson

    Karriss Artingstall - women's featherweight boxing

    Karris Artingstall was on the wrong side of a split decision as she lost to Japan's Sena Irie to take bronze in the women's featherweight boxing competition.

    Karriss Artingstall in action in Tokyo Karriss Artingstall in action in Tokyo
    Karriss Artingstall in action in Tokyo

    Declan Brooks - men's BMX freestyle

    Two months after the crash that left him unconscious and his Olympic hopes in jeopardy, Declan Brooks' 90.80 second run was enough for bronze in the men's BMX freestyle.

    Declan Brooks of Britain competes in the men's BMX freestyle final Declan Brooks of Britain competes in the men's BMX freestyle final
    Declan Brooks of Britain competes in the men's BMX freestyle final

    Mno Brown - women's park skateboarding

    13-year-old Mno Brown was already Britain's youngest athlete at the Olympics and made history again by becoming GB's youngest-ever medallist.

    And if that wasn't enough, the skateboarder defied the odds after coming back from a fractured skull and broken bones last year to make it to the Games and she also recovered well after falling in her first two runs during the final.

    Great Britain's Mno Brown won an unprecedented bronze in the women's park skateboarding finalGreat Britain's Mno Brown won an unprecedented bronze in the women's park skateboarding final
    Great Britain's Mno Brown won an unprecedented bronze in the women's park skateboarding final

    Frazer Clarke - men's boxing

    A cut to Frazer Clarke's eye curtailed his bout with No 1 seed Bakhodir Jalolov of Uzbekistan, who was awarded the win in the men's super-heavyweight semi-final as Clarke took home an impressive bronze.

    A cut ended Frazer Clarke's hopes of a gold or silver medalA cut ended Frazer Clarke's hopes of a gold or silver medal
    A cut ended Frazer Clarke's hopes of a gold or silver medal

    Liam Heath - men's K1 200m canoe sprint

    Defending champion Liam Heath continued his streak of winning medals at three consecutive Olympics after earning bronze in the men's K1 200m canoe sprint as the most successful British paddler of all time with his fourth Games podium.

    Liam Heath collects his bronze medal on the podium after finishing third in the men's 200m canoe sprint finalLiam Heath collects his bronze medal on the podium after finishing third in the men's 200m canoe sprint final
    Liam Heath collects his bronze medal on the podium after finishing third in the men's 200m canoe sprint final

    Holly Bradshaw - women's pole vault

    A clearance of 4.85m saw Holly Bradshaw win the first Olympic medal in pole vault in British history as she took bronze behind ROC's Anzhelika Sidorova and USA gold medal winner Katie Nageotte.

    Holly Bradshaw won bronze in the pole vaultHolly Bradshaw won bronze in the pole vault
    Holly Bradshaw won bronze in the pole vault

    Women's hockey team - women's hockey

    It may not have been another gold for the Rio 2016 champions, but GB's women's hockey team would not be denied a medal as they edged India 4-3 in a thriller to clinch bronze. In doing so they earned Great Britain's 52nd medal in Tokyo to surpass the 51 won in Beijing in 2008.

    Great Britain's women's hockey team celebrate their bronze medalGreat Britain's women's hockey team celebrate their bronze medal
    Great Britain's women's hockey team celebrate their bronze medal

    Jack Carlin - men's sprint cycling

    Jack Carlin added to the silver he won in the team event by seeing off former world champion Denis Dmitriev of the Russian Olympic Committee to get his hands on bronze in the men's sprint event.

    Jack Carlin of Team GBJack Carlin of Team GB
    Jack Carlin of Team GB

    Dina Asher-Smith, Daryll Neita, Asha Philip, Imani-Lara Lansiquot - women's 4x100m relay

    Asha Philip, Imani-Lara Lansiquot, Daryll Neita and Dina Asher-Smith weathered some nervy change-overs to win bronze in the women's 4x100m relay, the latter overcoming her injury woes earlier in the Games to put in a superb penultimate leg on the bend.

    Dina Asher-Smith, Daryll Neita, Asha Philip and Imani-Lara Lansiquot celebrate their bronze medalDina Asher-Smith, Daryll Neita, Asha Philip and Imani-Lara Lansiquot celebrate their bronze medal
    Dina Asher-Smith, Daryll Neita, Asha Philip and Imani-Lara Lansiquot celebrate their bronze medal

    Tom Daley - men's 10m platform diving

    Daley secured his second medal of the games and his first individual Olympic medal since he won bronze at London 2012 following a superb series of dives. The medal marked a remarkable Games for Daley, who did not even know if he would be in Tokyo after tearing his meniscus and having knee surgery at the end of May.

    Josh Kerr - men's 1500m

    Josh Kerr produced a personal-best time in the final to win a bronze medal in the 1500m. Kerr is the first British man to win a medal in the middle-distance event at the Olympics since 1988. Fellow Team GB athletes Jake Heyward and Jake Wightman finished the final in ninth and 10th respectively.

    Josh Kerr was elated after winning bronze and spent moments just taking it all in inside the Olympic StadiumJosh Kerr was elated after winning bronze and spent moments just taking it all in inside the Olympic Stadium
    Josh Kerr was elated after winning bronze and spent moments just taking it all in inside the Olympic Stadium
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